Jeb, a Toy Poodle, 9# male/approx 6-8yr old,
came from a stray/county kennel situation, badly matted and flea
infested. He may be a pure breed or mixed (with Bichon or Yorkie
but very little visible - I want to be fair to the adopter and I
just don't know, his temperament and cute actions say Poodle). He
is more of a charcoal grey than he is black. As I held him, he
cried and cried, as if to tell me of all the woes he had faced as
a stray. Now those days are behind him and he is ready and eager
to have a forever loving/caring home.
He is up to date on all shots including
booster/rabies/bortadella, on Advantix and Inteceptor.
This little guy goes crazy when he sees kids and adults. Loves,
loves, loves to be held and petted. A lap dog. loves to lay on
his back with all four paws in the air, or cradled in your arms.
Easy on walks with leash/harness, crates well, except in a car he
will whine. Jeb would rather be on your lap. He must have fenced
area or leash at all times. (we wouldn't want him to stray again)
He's confident/gentle, sits pretty for treats, goes potty
outside, and is adaptable to a schedule.
He will be neutered/dental prior to adoption.. Contact our email
info for an application.
UPDATE - Jeb is doing very well, playful, fun, easy to care for.
He has a spring in his step now and has been given a clean bill
of health. His neuter/dental is scheduled for the 19th of April.
UPDATE - Jeb loves to play fetch and knows "sit, stay, come,
go get it, hungry, off and down"
UPDATE - April 20th - Jeb is now neutered and dental , he had 3
very loose teeth.
UPDATE - April 30th - Jeb is fine with other dogs when he attended his first playdate, he loves to play with them, he is learning to "give me five" (paw). Adoption is $200.00.
UPDATE - May 19th - Jeb continues to be a happy, playful, bouncy (I call a gentle jumper) dog. His hair is growing out and curling. He has several very expressive "talking sounds", attentive and listens well
UPDATE - July 18th - Jeb has proved to be a
fun, loyal, lap dog who loves everyone and other dogs.
He has had 3 seizures since he came here. The first was a grand
mal , the other two were mild. Vet says most likely from one of
his shots , meds, or hw med. I am getting ready to give him this
months hw to see if that is the one. We have decided to NOT
medicate him for seizures (unless they become a lot more frequent
which doesn't seem to be the case), since they are few and far
between. During one he moves as close to me as he can, that seems
to calm him. His hair is grown out, his skin is less dry, mostly
soft tight curl on his legs and head, his back is soft curl. He
LOVES to be groomed, all but his feet and his muzzle. He has a
strange hole inside his mouth above where his lip meets his nasal
bone. Not apparently from his teeth however. That may account for
his sensitivity in that area, I guess. Jeb still wears a belly
band at times when I can't be around but not always. He loves to
go outside and lays on the porch when we sit there. And he goes
nuts if I ask him "do you want to eat". He is
humorously vocal and has several sounds he uses when he whines
with excitement. He is a "can do no wrong" kind of a
dog. One visitor says he looks like a schnoodle. But if you, like
us, think that it doesn't matter, he is a dog first! and a
wonderful one, then please consider letting him spend his life
with you
UPDATE Aug 27th - Due to a few developments, Jeb will be visiting the vets. He continues to be a cuddly loyal really nice lap dog that loves to be petted and talked to, but at times for unknown reasons, perhaps something from his past, he will growl. If he is uncomfortable or something makes him unsure. He has never snapped or bitten ever. Our plan is to vet him to make sure it isn't due to something health wise. He loves to trot around the yard then lay on the porch when we are outside. So we are thinking a low active home and no small children would be best for him. He cannot be rushed and must be given time when wakening. He is developing certain likes and dislikes. He is using the belly band less and less (one of his dislikes), he very rarely has an accident. Jeb has not had any seizures so far.
UPDATE: Nov 28th 2007 - Jeb has been tested and diagnosed for Thyroid and is on meds for it. He takes 1/2 tab in am with meal and 1/2 tab in pm with meal. He has resumed his playfulness and activities.
UPDATE Jan 24th 2007 We are very sorry to announce that Jeb has been through several blood and urine testing recently. He has been diagnosed with Kidney disease. Knowing the condition he was in when we took him in, we are not surprised, only very blessed and glad we have given him love and attention he so deserves during this past 10 months. He is still very much active but his excessive water consumption and urinating alerted us to seek medical advise.
At this time he will remain up for adoption to the right person who would want to care for him. Otherwise he will remain forever ours to help him finish his life well. He continues to be a very fun, loyal, loving pet.
UPDATE Jan 27th 2008 Jeb has been on a cooked diet of rice and eggs, responding very well. I mix a little Purina NF canned with it. but he is not picky about his food at all. He loves fruit and vegetable snacks. We are please with his progress in the past few days. The yorkie in the second pic is his foster brother that likes to groom Jeb. Jeb loves that.
UPDATE: Apr 17th 2008 This little guy, Jeb, is eating KD Science Hill's kidney diet and doing very well. He is letting me groom his muzzle (remember he has a hole in his mouth from something we will never know) So he has been unsure.
It is so funny to see a black dog carry a blue teddy bear out doors to do his business. But that is what he does. He walks around with it and carries it back inside. He has lost 2 lbs. over the winter. Jeb has been in rescue foster 1 yr.
UPDATE May 27th 2008 Jeb is so much fun, loyal, he will sit by where ever you are, and when company comes he lays by them or on their lap as well. He is much more trusting about grooming around his muzzle, loves to be combed, he loves to be talked to and get belly rubs.
UPDATE June 26th 2008 Jeb 14.6#'s has been diagnosed with Diabetes this month. His sugar reached 624 before the working insulin dose was found. He takes his injections 2 x's a day with his food very well. He still is a greyt dog, cute, funny, active and loyal.
UPDATE Jul 22nd 2008 Jeb has entered the vets hospital due to not eating.
UPDATE Jul 25th 2008 Jeb passed away not 2 mins before I got to the vets to see him at 4:30PM today Aug 25th 2008. He entered the hospital Fri afternoon with vomiting and bowel backup. Although I missed him by 2 mins, I had stopped in the a.m. and spent an hr and a half with him. He had had 3 enemas over the weekend, and they were getting ready to put him back on his insulin. He always loved me to talk to him, he never knew what I was saying, but his eyes would go back and forth as I talked. I often called him my little King Kong as his eyes were so expressive. He was sitting up not 4 mins before that, and they were pleased. When I walked in I saw that he was possibly gone, so I was the first to know. The vet grabbed the stethoscope in disbelief. He was gone. My deepest appreciation to all who inquired of him and watched his progress updates.
They don't see you like I do......
Obituary Jeb Searles
Jeb Searles , born somewhere in Lorain County, a beloved and very special mixed schnoodle, passed away Aug 25th, 2008 at 4:30PM. at the age of 11+, at the Oberlin Animal Hospital where he was a patient since Friday Aug 22nd, 2008. Jeb lived most of his life somewhere in Lorain County, Ohio and 3 days in the Lorain County Dog Kennel. He leaves behind his foster parents Marshall and Shirley Searles where he resided for the past yr and a half, 3 foster sisters Patty Sue, Cassie, and Fayne, and one foster brother Gaylin. He was preceded in death by his foster sister Heidi. Jeb was a loving and lovable loyal friend and companion. He loved everyone. He was part of the Least of These Dog Rescue. He enjoyed eating green beans, belly rubs, laying at our feet, his blue stuffy bear, and being talked to. He was fondly known to all as King Kong with his black gorilla like face and expressive eyes. Memorial Donations can be made to the Lorain County Dog Shelter 301 Hadaway Ct. Elyria Ohio, Friendship APL Murray Ridge Rd. Elyria, Ohio or Lifesavers Spay & Neuter Service at
Jeb when rescued then at play date
2/12/12 UPDATE - After 10 months with us in our home, Rosebud lost her battle
with old age. Her health began to fail her. We are missing her tremendously. She
was a very sweet sweet girl.
10/1/11 UPDATE - Rosebud is spending the day at home due to the
cancellation of the Doggie Doo (bad weather). She is enjoying her meals of
Chicken and Rice.
9/6/11 UPDATE - Rosebud has to be carried outside, she doesn't do steps and is
blind and can't hear. But that doesn't stop her from moving quickly through the
short grass. Come see her at the Oberlin Doggie Doo Tappan Square Oct 1st
7/6/11UPDATE - Rosebud loves to be held if she is done with her potty habits. She will let you know when she has to go. She is not as active as her sister Lily but does like to go outside for fresh air and roam around.
ROSEBUD: 4/20/11 Four-pound, 12-yr old Chihuahua. She is tan & blue. This tiny girl along with her sister was taken to a shelter after being found with Lily in a garage. She is missing most of her teeth and is partially blind. Even so, she is gentle and cuddly. She loves to eat and to be held.
Flora - 10+ yrs old Toy Poodle Mix came into rescue as a stray picked up in the wee hrs of the morning May 10, 2013. She was taken to a vet clinic to stabilize her. Weighing only 5 #'s and blind, her much needed dental and other vet needs were delayed to give her a chance to gain some weight. She advanced in some ways. Her quiet, gentle nature only added to her enjoying freedom, eating, roaming around and proving to be a very precious girl. She continued to lose weight over time. Xrays discovered her spine was deteriorated badly. She began bleeding thro her bowels and had adverse reactions to medication. Thought to have some form of cancer, we made the tough decision to humanely and by her side let her go. An all too short 2 months for an amazing girl. She was loved and will be greatly missed.
UPDATE : 4/26/12 Lily has been a very easy girl to care for, she continues to amaze me of how she just 'seems to know what I say'.
UPDATE : 10/1/11 Due to the bad weather Lily spent the day at home and is sorry she missed the Doggie Doo.
UPDATE : 9/6/11 UPDATE - Lily enjoys this summer weather going outside
for fresh air. She has to be carried but loves that too. She can move fast over
the short grass. Come see her at the Oberlin Doggie Doo Tappan Square Oct. 1st.
UPDATE:7/6/11 - Lily comes when called, stays, sits, when asked to and she loves
to climb. Obviously she needs to watched due to her older age and desire to
enjoy life. Although she is paper trained, she loves to go outside to do her
business and walk around to see what she can find.
LILYBUD : 4/20/11 Four-pound, 12-yr old Chihuahua. This tiny chocolate & white girl came from a shelter where she was taken by someone who found her & her sister Rosebud. Lily's teeth are missing, explaining why her tongue hangs out. She is also blind. Even so, she is gentle and cuddly. Her sense of smell and hearing are very keen. She loves to eat, be held, and be talked to. She has been vet evaluated. Lily needs a lap to live out the rest of her life.
..........This is Otis
6/25/22 - After 9 years with us in our home, Otis lost his battle with old age complications. We are missing him tremendously. He was a very loving and devoted boy.